Via this window it is possible to set, pause, resume or stop the resident protection. The window is divided into the several parts. The installed providers of resident protection are displayed in the left part. The "Standard shield" provider is listed by default. In the right part of a dialog can be found the information about provider, the last tested file and the last infected file
The "Pause" button serves for pausing the given provider.
By the "Resume" button it is possible to resume the function of given provider.
The "Terminate" button serves for terminating the function of the given provider of resident protection. After clicking this button the computer won't be protected against the viruses.
The "View/Change" button server for viewing or setting the configuration of the resident protection provider. By clicking on this button, a dialog allowing to set the parameters of resident protection would appear.
A detailed description of parameters of setting from these pages can be found the "Description of task pages" chapter on the following pages:
For storing the changes in the setting press the "OK" button. For closing this dialog without saving the changes and going back to the main window press "Cancel" button.
The last button of a resident console window, the "OK" button serves for its closing.
Resident protection can display several other dialogs during its operation. These dialogs announce to the user a dangerous operation within a file, the finding of a virus in the boot sector of the diskette inserted, or a virus in the program being run or in an OLE document opened using an OLE function. Their description is provided below.